In order to resolve a dispute with HOLFIN INSURANCE REINSURANCE BROKER S.A. as a brokerage company or with an isurance company, you have the possibility to address the Alternative Dispute Resolution entity (hereinafter referred to as SAL-FIN). This structure was created within the Financial Supervisory Authority (hereinafter referred to as FSA), according to FSA Regulation no. 4/2016, in order to allow consumers to resort free of charge to an alternative dispute resolution mechanism in the non-banking financial field.

SAL-Fin’s mission is to organize the out-of-court settlement of non-bank financial disputes, domestic or cross-border, in terms of consumption. SAL-FIN conciliators in the non-banking financial field with experience in mediation, negotiation or arbitration may propose or impose a variant of resolving the dispute in a balanced, impartial manner, within a reasonable time and without costs for consumers.

In order to resolve a dispute with a professional / trader by applying the SAL procedure, the consumer must express this option voluntarily and address SAL-Fin in writing, directly at the SAL-Fin headquarters in Splaiul Independentei no. 15, sector 5, postal code 050092, Bucharest, by mail to the same address or by electronic means of communication to the e-mail address and to fax numbers 021.659.60.51 or 021.659.64.36.

Complete information about the procedure regarding the alternative settlement of disputes, the activity carried out by the SAL-FIN entity, as well as the regulation regarding the organization and functioning of the SAL-FIN entity, can be obtained at the internet address:

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